Saturday, 17 August 2013

Slow Cooker Paprika Beef Stew

This dish was inspired by the collection of vegetables available in the fridge. I had some cauliflower, some red cabbage, brussels sprouts, a carrot, a brown onion and some red capsicums. I thought I could make a hungarian-style beef stew with paprika and decided the slow-cooker was going to do the majority of the work for me. I have a 3.5L slow-cooker and this recipe filled it to the brim.

Carrots, cabbage, cauli, and sprouts
Onion, garlic, and capsicum


Makes: 6 - 8 serves
Cooking Time: 6 - 7 hours on high


1 kg beef, cubed
1 carrot, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 small red capsicum, chopped
1/4 small purple cabbage, sliced
1/4 small cauliflower, chopped into large chunks
10 brussels sprouts, halved
3 cloves garlic, left whole
1 680g jar of Passata sauce
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon dried oregano
2 teaspoons of hot paprika
1 tablespoon olive oil
freshly cracked black pepper
1 tablespoon white wine

For dusting meat:
1/2 cup flour
1 tablespoon hot paprika
1 teaspoon white pepper
1 teaspoon salt

Pimenton Picante = Hot style Paprika


Place flour on a plate and add to it paprika, white pepper and salt. Mix it through thoroughly. Coat the beef pieces with the spiced flour.

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a fry pan over a medium-high heat. When hot sear the dusted beef cubes in batches, making sure all sides are seared. Remove beef from pan and place into the slow cooker base.

Fry the onion in the same fry pan for 2 mins, then add the capsicum and fry for a further 2-4 mins until cooked. Place in the slow cooker with the beef, along side the jar of passata sauce and a half a jar of water using the empty passata jar to measure. Sprinkle in the oregano, 2 tablespoons of paprika and the apple cider vinegar at this stage.

Add the carrot and cauliflower to the pot and stir through. Crack some black pepper over the top and drizzle the white wine across the surface. Place slow-cooker pot inside slow cooker and turn on, cooking on high for 4 hours. After 4 hours place the red cabbage in the pot, cook for another 2 hours. At the 6 hour mark take the halved brussels sprouts and steam them in the microwave for 2 mins, until soft. Add to the slow cooker and cook for another half an hour. I cooked the brussel sprouts seperatly and then added them because I wanted them to retain their colour and flavour, not to take on the redness and flavour of the stew.

Serve stew in a bowl with some crusty sourdough on the side.

Flour, paprika, white pepper, salt
All mixed together

Ready to be slow cooked

Final result - such pretty colours!

This turned out better than I had hoped. The picante quality of the paprika made my mouth tingle for at least 40 mins after eating. There was lots for dinner and to freeze. I think a good idea for the frozen portions would be to serve over mashed sweet potato, or with a small amount of pasta, or with some cooked white beans.

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